Friday, November 2, 2007

The good news difficult path

Thursday we met with the Oncologist and had a two hour informational class on the specific chemo treatment that is being recommended which is TC which stands for Taxotere and cyclophosphamide (tough choice.) This treatment has less long term health risks than AC chemo. Oh well to reduce the incalculable risk of recurrence somewhat and have 4 months of hell is the path that we are considering and most likely will take. This weekend we will continute to eat well (thanks to you all, hopefully take in a few movies at the AFI festival, and make the decision regarding the chemo. We tentatively scheduled AMP's first chemo treatment for November, 15th.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Good news is Good news

We received the semi-final (whatever that means) pathology report when we visited the surgeon. No cancer was found in the lymph nodes. Two tumors were found in the left breast, and no tumors were found in the right breast. The report shows much less cancer than the imagaing and biopy. We meet with the oncologist thursday and will have more to report. So for those of you can jump, jump for joy. We are pleased.