Monday, October 29, 2007

Good news is Good news

We received the semi-final (whatever that means) pathology report when we visited the surgeon. No cancer was found in the lymph nodes. Two tumors were found in the left breast, and no tumors were found in the right breast. The report shows much less cancer than the imagaing and biopy. We meet with the oncologist thursday and will have more to report. So for those of you can jump, jump for joy. We are pleased.


Anonymous said...

GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!

白宁 said...


Anonymous said...

Eureka! Hossanah! Hallelujah! I am jumping to the extent my old body can get off the ground.

Allen S

Unknown said...

"At the end of a storm is a golden sky - " So now you will look back over the years remembering this as one more "growth experience" -- with less cancerous growths than you thought! Yeah! yeah Yeah! Big hug -- lots of love, Gretta

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! Great News!
Mary Schaffer

tony & helaine said...

tony & helaine:

i did jump 4 joy so that was not an earthquade u felt. glad 4 the great news.
tony & helaine

Sandi Silbert said...

Time to celebrate! I’m so happy for you!


Anonymous said...

This is great! Obviously everyone is ecstatic!
We love you.

kanani bell said...

We did something which, generously, could be construed as jumping if you took into account our relatively sedentary lifestyle with correspondingly poor physical conditioning, semi advanced age, and the reasons why neither of us was offered an athletic scholarship in college. It was, however, done in the spirit of joy at the good news. Con muchisimo amor.

Anonymous said...

A fine thing, ma'am. Semi-final or otherwise. I like "Hossanah!!!" per Allen S.

Unknown said...

Am feeling great appreciation for this news--for your amazing, fighting spirit, and for your family's and friend's loving support of you. Oh, and also glad for the good doctors and nurses who are doing their jobs so well and are being compassionate. My heart is smiling for all concerned.



Anonymous said...

you rock... on

Unknown said...

That is awesome. I'm gonna make like David Lee Roth and, well, you know...

Anita said...

YESSSSSS! Welcome to the rest of your precious life, Anna Marie --

Unknown said...

Great new our prayers were answered.

love lisa & larry

Unknown said...

great news our prayers were answered. love lisa and larry

Ophelia Chong said...

wahoooooooo!!!!!!!!!! jumps for no lumps!


Anonymous said...

So happy still working on pumpkin stew

Anonymous said...

Yay Yay Yay! I'm dancing on the East Coast for you :)

Anonymous said...

I am Absolutely jumping for joy. Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

While my feet must stay firmly planted on the ground, lest I drop my precious cargo... my heart leaps for joy at the wonderful news!! Loving you.