Thursday, November 29, 2007

No news means AMP is fine!

While nothing is back to normal, things are going well. The first chemo treament is behind us. AMP tolerated it well. We had a really nice Thanksgiving with friends and family. The 2nd chemo treatment is next Thursday. Larry has been studying two and three letter words in preparation for the chemo-scrabble tournament. Amp has been sitting on her laurels, and unfortunately dealing with a resurgence of her chronic allergies which has been more discomforting than the first chemo treatment. We are looking forward to celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversay this Saturday.


Unknown said...

Happy anniversary!

The Folly of Comforted

ONE that is ever kind said yesterday:
'Your well-beloved's hair has threads of grey,
And little shadows come about her eyes;
Time can but make it easier to be wise
Though now it seems impossible, and so
All that you need is patience.'
Heart cries, 'No,
I have not a crumb of comfort, not a grain.
Time can but make her beauty over again:
Because of that great nobleness of hers
The fire that stirs about her, when she stirs,
Burns but more clearly. O she had not these ways
When all the wild Summer was in her gaze.'
Heart! O heart! if she'd but turn her head,
You'd know the folly of being comforted.

William Butler Yeats

Unknown said...

OK, Larry. Here's a source:

Tried to post a picture of yawning dogs (mine) but, guess I can't so, we three (Henry, Willi and me) send our fuzzy love in honor of your 22nd anniversary.



Unknown said...

OK, Larry. Here's a source:

Tried to post a picture of yawning dogs (mine) but, guess I can't so, we three (Henry, Willi and me) send our fuzzy love in honor of your 22nd anniversary.



Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Hm. The link to three letter words ends in html.


Leslie Thornton said...

I'm thinking of you every day and wishing you were just next door. Tom is in Brussels and I hold down the fort with our two diabetic cats. As soon as Tom gets back I'm heading your way and will check on your comfort level as to where I'll stay. Tonight I cut off or down all of the dead plants, a ritual purging I can only do when he's gone, lest he discover the debris in the trash and make new cuttings. Strangely, we also used to have to do this with my paternal grandmother when she was out of town. Larry, what could this suggest psychoanalytically? Could I be looking for my grandmother in Tom?

Ophelia Chong said...

good to hear that. :O) went yesterday for another foot massage. sigh, it was wonderful.

Anonymous said...

from Gale:
hope you had a great anniversary would love to get over and see you this weekend if you're up to it

Unknown said...

Thinking of you with second round of chemo -- sending love and poem I thought you might appreciate. xox Gretta

Dark and Light

by the lunch group in Monroe High School in the Bronx

We’re inside here
Boring --
But in this darkness -- little pieces of light.
In darkness
There is nothing you want.
Darkness makes you become
Something you wasn’t before.
Darkness is lonely – nobody there –
Nothing to talk about
Nothing new
No energy – no light
Not like – basketball – drawing – or watching the news
Where -- it feels fun – happy – creative --
Feels rich.
If I were rich
I wouldn’t be here
In this darkness with just little bits of light
Instead – I’d be happy and rich
Rich with friends
Rich with money and cars
Rich with game
Knowing the moves to impress
Not lying too much
Not covering in darkness
Not getting caught in a lie
About who you are -- and who you’re not --
But living with the truth
Comfortable with your own light
Knowing what to expect
Going through it
Not being held back
Having courage to go on
Even in the dark
Willing to participate --
Meeting people
Being real – having freedom
But handling it – not lost
Like a dog on the chain who runs away
And finds his way back – his choice.
Wanting to do what feels right, like light –
With others -- not alone
Helping the poor – be rich --
Rich in friends – rich in light – rich in life.