Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Greetings from Beautiful Downtown Burbank

I mean - really - can you believe NBC is moving? Turncoats.

Anyway - It's a lovely day and I'm all decked out in my hospital finest waiting for the fun to start. My dear husband is with me until he can't be any longer and we're finding blogging a lot more rewarding than watching commercials for junk food on an empty stomach (ok - mine is empty).

Mostly just wanted to send a note of appreciation for all the lovely calls, emails, cards and posts - I feel truly surrounded by love and light and goodness of family, friends, colleagues and community and I know it will get me through this -

just wish they'd get on with it already . . .


1 comment:

Mitch said...

Hi AMP...if hospital staff reports are accurate, you are still waiting, and have opted for napping instead of enduring a full slate of afternoon talk shows and soaps! Oy! We'll stay tuned for updates.....